Everything You’ve Never Been Told About How to Give Feedback

Beth Wonson & Company
2 min readJan 18, 2021

Feedback is essential for growth and development and it’s an important part of working with others. While some types of feedback hold much more importance to us than others, reactions to feedback are influenced by the emotional energy of the moment, even if we’re not conscious of it.

For example, an employee may react negatively to feedback you thought was low-key. Or perhaps a colleague avoids feedback by not communicating
with the team because they hold tightly to a very specific way of
doing things. Or maybe you have found yourself repeating
feedback to a person who shuts down any time they feel stress.

Good news! The self-awareness and emotional energy of the person delivering the feedback can influence the experience.

With enough poor experiences, we may look for workarounds to avoid giving and receiving feedback.

Good news! The self-awareness and emotional energy of the person delivering the feedback can influence the experience.

Apprehension and fear of what might happen can make us resistant to give or receive feedback, even with the best of intentions.

And more good news! Over my 20 years of working with executives and managers I’ve developed a comprehensive and easy to implement 4-step process that will change your relationship with both giving and receiving feedback forever.

The ability to give and receive is essential for building a culture of trust in any organization, team or relationship. Trust is built one conversation at a time and one experience at a time. And destroyed in the same way. So creating a culture where feedback is expected, truthful, fact-based and delivered and received with emotional awareness, is one of the most effective ways to increase trust.

Are you ready to shift your relationship with feedback?

*This content is an excerpt from my newest book, “Mastering Feedback: Everything You’ve Never Been Told About Giving Feedback” available at https://NCDsolution.com/mastering



Beth Wonson & Company

Beth is a communication expert who has worked with organizations world wide, author and founder of Navigating Challenging Dialogue®. ncdsolution.com